3f) How could Christ be God and Die?

God is the Thinker and Christ is the human Image of the Thinker in His thoughts. God wants to relate directly, face-to-face with His humans, because He is looking for “Companionship”.  He cannot bring His created beings into His universe, ie outside Himself, because He has no outside.  So, to be with His created beings He thinks of Himself in the universe He has created in His mind for them.  He thinks of Himself in that universe as one of them.  This Image of God is totally human, but He is the one human, Christ, Who is like God.  If you were to see Christ, you would have seen God as He wants you to see Him. But you can never see the Creator face-to-face, because you cannot get outside of Him to look at His face.

As a human Christ can die. God thinks of Himself as a dead human in that thought. Christ is in the tomb; all the angels see Him there totally dead. This is the only time when we know that the Image of God was inactive. Yet, the Thinker can recreate Christ at will. All creation was watching His tomb, to see what God would do next. Can you see how both the Creator/Thinker and Christ/Human Image of the Thinker are the Same God - only different? We say they are two distinct “Persons” in the same God. This applies to any thinking being. All thinking beings have exactly three distinct persons: the thinker, the total of all their thoughts at any given moment, and the image of themselves in their thoughts.

26 July 2001

Updated on 2 November 2001

For more on this and a response to any questions, please email any comments to nasamike@nasamike.com

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